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Angélique Rabert
Photo de moi

Who am I? 

Angelique Rabert
Micronutrition,Body-Spirit Harmonization,
Cardiac coherence with cardio-feedback 

Over the course of my career and my experience in pharmacies, I completed a Professional License - Health specialty Advisor in dermo-cosmetic products with the Paul Sabatier University of Toulouse III. 


After clinically observing the link between skin and emotions, as well as the relationships that may exist in the body between physiological and biochemical functions, digestive, hormonal and neuro-inflammatory functions that go beyond understanding organ by organ, I desire to deepen and understand even better.


At 35, I decided to go back to the school benches in order to consolidate my approach with micronutrition as well as neuro-emotional notions. Since indeed, recent research on epigenetics proves that our emotions interact with our cells, our genes, the quality of activated proteins and enzymes​es in our body. 136bad5cf58d_


Today I understand the real needa balance between self-respect and physical and mental well-beingand realize the importance of consistency with respect to my deep aspirations: to accompany those who wish, towards full health.


My support is enriched and updated with the latest scientific advances such as knowledge onmicrobiota, epigenetics and in particular nutritional and functional medicine, allowing real therapeutic progress. 


Why Naturopathy


Micronutrition is a discipline that studies the role of micronutrients taking into account their actions at the biochemical and physiological level.  

She is specifically interested in the different functions of essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, probiotics and neuromediators on the scale of the 11 fundamental balances and pillars of our body.

In an integrative approach, it combines recent disciplines such as nutrigenetics, anti-aging hormone therapy and psycho - behavioral care. 

It offers an approach tointegrative care based on the prevention, support and treatment of pathologiesby correcting macro and micronutrient deficiencies, phyto aromatherapy, physical activity, managing emotions and improving lifestyles.



LouseWhy is food no longer enough to cover our micronutrient needs? 


The amount of micronutrients in the fruits and vegetables we eat has decreased dramatically over the past 70 years.As a result, there is a drop in vitamins and minerals in our diet. The causes of this decline are many, including soil erosion, depletion of minerals such as magnesium, iron and zinc due to excessive use of pesticides and fertilizers._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_

Minerals and phosphates derived from soil leaching are used in agriculture to increase yields, which can be detrimental to our health.


And here are the main causes of significant micronutrient losses: 


- Refining causes up to 80% loss of minerals, especially magnesium

- Preservation methods and heat treatments destroy the zinc

- Peeling

- Canning and cooking leads to a substantial loss of minerals in the cooking water

- Pesticides lower vitamin C levels

- Lack of ripening and long storage of fruits

- Prior blanching of canned or frozen fruits and vegetables destroys up to 95% of vitamin C, 60% of vitamin B1 and 40% of vitamins B2, B3 and B9


Our lifestyles can aggravate our deficiencies and the food supply is not adapted to the physiological needs of the body (abundance of sugars, fats, animal proteins and refined ingredients), the reduction in absorption as well asthe bioavailability of micronutrients also depends on our overall health.


And particularly ; 


- The microbiota

- Intestinal hyperpermeability (or Leaky Gut)

- Digestive enzyme deficiencies

- Intestinal transit disorders 

- Digestive pathologies

- taking certain medications


Photographe culinaire
“🌿 Le médecin de l'avenir ne traitera plus le corps humain avec des médicaments, il soignera et préviendra les maladies avec la nutrition.” 🌿 Thomas A. Edison


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